A Guide to Choice of Accommodation as a University Student


As a student, having successfully gained admission to understudy a program in the university, the next crucial step to take is to get an accommodation “a comfortable place to lay your head at night”.

Students accommodation as defined by some is not really a home but a place where you can keep your belongings, have little or no domestics, prepare for yourself a light-meal, have a little convenience etc.
Accommodation being known to have contributed 40% of students academic performance, as its mostly understood by the smart (not only brilliant) ones that tertiary life is a complex but simple life.

Below are few of the Benefits of getting accommodation as a student

  • Early morning class attendance
  • Opportunity to relate with friend of friends
  • Proper organization and good time management
  • Opportunity to share ideas and having group studies
  • Quick relaxation of the body and brain

Types of student accommodation

  1. Student hostels
  2. Student lodges
  3. Private apartments
  4. Public apartments

Student hostel is a type of accommodation governed by set of rules and regulations to ensure equal dividend of living. It is mostly managed by an authority. Student hostel is the best type of accommodation for students as all facilities needed and utilities bills have been put in place by the managing authority. It enables students to relate with one another in a large number; it gives little or no form of privacy. Student hostels can be grouped into three (3)

  • Public student hostel
  • Private female student hostel
  • Private unisex student hostel

Student lodge is a type of accommodation built that is not managed by any authority but the landlord, it’s mostly occupied by students, and the rooms in this type of accommodation are mostly en-suite, some also comes in form of single room where about 5-8 rooms share common toilet and kitchen

Private apartments are types of accommodation where every properties are en-suite i.e. the rooms comes in their flats (private toilets, bathrooms and kitchen). Here 100% privacy is the ultimate goal of most students craving for such apartments where no rules or authority is over them. Security here is likely to be 80% as everyone is leaving at his/her own risk. Private apartments often come in their; room self contained i.e. a room with private toilet and kitchen, 1bedroom flat often know as mini flat or room and parlour self contained, 2bedroom flat, 3bedroom flat, etc.

Public apartments are types of accommodation mostly known as single rooms of combined lodge where more than 3-4 independent tenants share common toilet, bathroom and kitchen. Most of this type of apartment has little or no security and less responsible tenants. However, it's the cheapest apartment.

To be contd...@CHAWMART


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