Hotel/Hostel Accommodation - Behind The Scenes

Hotel/Hostel Managers must make sure that the thousands of guests received each year are unaffected by the theatrics of a few "interesting" guests.

Every time you stay at your chosen accommodation for the weekend getaway or for a business trip, everything seems to run quite smoothly doesn't it?
On occasions, the behind-the-scenes reality is very different. Events occur that you will never know about. Some of the events that do occur at accommodation premises that leave some people embarrassed, some people in debt and others simply can't remember what they did!
CCTV footage combined with excess noise and the resulting complaints requires investigation by the hotel/hostel manager & staff.
The married couple - but not to each other!
It is well-known that hotel rooms are rented by cheating spouses to enjoy carnal pleasures with their "other partner"! The delicate moment arrives when there is a knock on the bedroom door, after recognising a car's license plate. Then the screaming match commences!
The Group drinking festival!
People become less inhibited when they are intoxicated and part of a larger group. Some examples are a young man slipping into a pink dress & climbing to the top of an 8 metre (25 feet) tree to insert a plastic chair into the highest limbs while another found the kitchen and cooked pasta at 2.30am while naked.
Where are your clothes please sir?
A man had been on a wine tour with a group of friends. This man was usually a beer drinker. A hot summers day combine with copious amounts of wine gave this man the courage to strip naked and then try to continue chatting to the group. This man was still apologising to his wife's friends, three months after the event.
The elevator, washing machine or passage table tonight my dear?
Signs are displayed in accommodation premises to inform guests that CCTV is in use. Some guests forget this when their feverish urges becomes the better of them. Couples and groups have been recorded using many parts of an accommodation premises common areas to fulfill the needs. Volunteers to view CCTV footage are not difficult to find.
The party is in my room everyone!
"I want to have a party with my friends but don't have a venue. What shall I do? I know, rent a room and have a party there"! It is not difficult to find which room the party is in. Just listen for the music and watch for the chairs being thrown from the balcony!
Who are you talking to?
A guest is talking to himself about inappropriate subjects and making other guests feel uncomfortable with odd behaviour. When asked if everything is okay, the guest replies that he is "answering the voices"!
Having a bad day!
Un-welcomed news makes people react in different ways. Some people cry or worry, and others become destructive through despair. These "angry" people can cause damage to the accommodation premises, the property of other guests and may seem threatening.
So now you know about some of the antics that occur at all accommodation premises throughout the world.
Thankfully, hotel/hostel managers use various techniques, procedures and experience to make sure that unsociable behaviour committed by some guests is never witnessed by most of us, allowing your stay to be fantastic.
How would you approach & deal with an unusual guest?
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