Apartment search can definitely be a daunting task in various parts of the world. The need for humanity to find everything associated to comfort delves into various levels of dynamics and intricacies; the need to feed, work, find a home, reproduce, etc. It’s an endless list. As fundamental as the need appears, it’s not possible to have a desire for the same type of food, job, house or even partner; even siblings have varying preferences.
My experience in the real estate business especially when renting an apartment has prompted me to identify salient areas or key terms that must be taken into consideration when embarking on an apartment hunt. Bear in my mind that the factors described are not the only details to look out for, but they are profound and underlying factors found in every home shopping list.

PRICE: This aspect cannot be overemphasized. It is the prime and major factor in every home seekers mind. An assessment on apartment search by key players in the real estate business underlined price as a major defining and segregating factor in apartment search. The price range of an apartment can be used to effectively categorize your clients and provide adequate recommendation.

LOCATION: Location is also an important area. People tend to search for houses in areas that are well secured, developed and essentially have the requisite social amenities. Topography of an area plays a key role in the location of an apartment; It’s commonplace for realtors to put additional effort in convincing clients to rent an apartment on a highland or in a flood prone neighborhood.

AGE: This aspect is certainly tricky and requires a certain amount of professional knowledge or experience to understand the ‘AGE’ of an apartment. Cracks and crevices are not the only factors that should be used to assess the age; findings have shown that cracks and crevices are mainly due to construction faults and errors, broken pipes are the number one causes of wall wetness. A quick determinant of the age is the design of the apartment, the materials used for construction (evaluate wiring, nails and woods), inquiries should be made if any renovations have taken place (wall plastering, painting). These minute details when observed can give you an expert knowledge of the age.

CLOSE PROXIMITY TO ACCESSIBLE ROAD, WORK PLACES, SCHOOLS, MARKETS: This aspect and location are interwoven. Newly wedded couples need to relocate, the working class need to find apartments in close proximity to their work centers, students need an apartment close to school, etc. Every walk of life need to put this in consideration while home searching.

EXPENSES NEEDED FOR UPLIFT: In the event where the aforementioned aspects have been evaluated and you are interested in paying for the apartment, endeavor to make findings on whether any major work needs to be done (plumbing, carpentry, wiring, etc.). Many a client fall prey to deceit by realtors that the landlord will do the repairs. Ensure you inquire from the property owner before payment be made.

These fundamentals factors play a key role in shopping for an apartment. Endeavor to have a prior knowledge of these areas before embarking on the search or even investing your money in a home.


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